Friday, March 12, 2021

The Kids Are Back

        The kids are finally back from quarantine! This news brings so many positive implications that I thought you might like to hear some of them. First of all, Snoden doesn’t have to take parcels of food door to door to feed them any more. Now they’re coming as a group each day. Susan makes a huge pot of breakfast porridge and they sit on mats eating together. This is a significant time saver since there are ninety of them. It also means the preschoolers can have class again. When they’re not in school many of them stay at home alone. Now they’re spending their days at Snoden and Susan’s house again. One little girl is actually living with them. Her uncle died, and the village saw the Kagalu family as next of kin. High praise indeed! Also, now that Snoden is not spending his time driving from house to house, he can focus on finishing the wall around the property. 

You’ll be seeing videos on raising money to recommit each child to our feeding program for another six months. We do this at intervals in case the price of food fluctuates or one of the kids moves, both of which happen. This time around, we’re asking for $25 more per child in order to offer a more varied diet. We want them to have eggs and milk, for example, and we would like to add more vegetables. 

We’re also raising money to buy new uniforms for each of the preschoolers. This is about much more than just giving them new clothes. It also means their security. Because most of them walk to school alone, the bright orange and blue uniforms identify them as ours and sends a message to would-be predators that these kids are cared for and protected by someone. Snoden has also pointed out that the orange shirt helps the adults find a lost child. They sometimes wander off the path on their way to school and get lost in the tall maize. When this happens, it’s much easier to spot a bright color among the stalks. They get new shoes with their uniform, too, which guards against infection and critter bites. 

As always, thank you for supporting these kids. We constantly have in mind not only survival but a bold and promising future for each of them. We don’t want to just feed them but to give them a well-rounded diet. We don’t want to just educate them but to teach them God’s ways. We don’t want to just raise them up but to equip them to be future leaders. Through Christ, we are making this happen together. Thank you!