Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rough and Tough

I know I promised you an article about the new program we plan to start in the spring but our attention has been diverted by some other things lately. First of all, my mom's condition continues to worsen and we are adapting to the many changes Alzheimer's brings with it daily. She really can't do much of anything for herself now and requires constant attention, even on a good day. She has also been losing weight at a rather alarming rate so we are having tests run to see what might be causing that.

Ben decided to get in on the doctor's visits by falling flat on his face while playing in the bed of a friend's truck. It didn't bruise very much at all the first day but we knew the next morning he may have broken it so we took him for an x-ray. You know how a close up picture makes your nose look bigger? Well, this one wasn't taken from close range: 
He was a good sport about the whole thing, even when he bumped it two more times over the next few days and made it bleed all over again. We had to wait all that time for the swelling to go down so the doctor could see if there was any permanent damage. Ben said he thought his nose looked cool and drew a self portrait to commemorate:

We went for the follow-up visit today and received very good news. There is no fracture--only severe bruising--and the crookedness is apparently just from the swelling. I took this photo today to show you how much better he looks. As you can see, he still wants to get a bit more mileage out of his super awesome injury. 
We're thankful that Ben is fine and hope our other two don't perform any attention-getting stunts in the near future.


  1. Lamento pela doença de sua mae, Samanta. Bom saber que os meninos estão bem e crescidos. Peraltices são comuns na infancia inda mais quando são meninos...sempre nos surpreendem.Faz parte. Deus abençoe voces irmãos e os fortaleça na fé pra enfrentar as dificuldades. Beijos carinhosos, leni.

  2. We're with you on the "not wanting any more attention-getting stunts". Unfortunately however, when they are young, this will happen many times.

    Love you guys and hope you the best.
