Saturday, November 29, 2008

Andy's Fourth Birthday

Andy turned four on November 26, less than a week after we moved into our new house.  Because his birthday fell on a Wednesday, we took advantage of the fact that we would be at the church to have his party there after the evening class.  A lady from church made his favorite cake - chocolate with chocolate icing.  I bought some balloons and hot dogs. When we arrived at church for the study, there were several people waiting to help me put everything together for his party.  Because I was exhausted and it was about ninety degrees, I was only prepared to blow up some balloons.  They assured me that balloons alone would never do, and they broke out all the party decorations from the church closet and arranged a very festive room.  They also cooked the hot dogs and prepared the drinks.
We expected about twenty people to stay after the lesson for his party.  Not only did everyone from the church stay, but we had several visitors celebrate with us as well.  In the end, it was closer to fifty.  Fortunately, we had enough hot dogs, drinks, and cake for everyone - all of which was served to our guests by other church members.Then came the presents.  They showered Andy with gift upon gift. 

Everyone seemed to have a good time, especially Andy. 
I was very grateful for all the help I received from the diligent church members who were as interested as I was in seeing Andy have a great birthday celebration.  Because I was so hot and tired from the relentless heat and recent move, they took it upon themselves to run the whole show.  I was able to take a few pictures and sit under the fan for most of the time.  Despite my pitiful state and thanks to our church family in Natal, Andy had (in his words) "a weally gweat pawty."


  1. I can't believe Andy is 4 already! It looks like he had a great party!

  2. I'm so glad your church family takes good care of you guys! We were thinking about Andy on Wednesday and reminiscing about the Thanksgiving feast that immediately preceded his arrival...good times! From the T-day pictures, your house looks great! So, do you still want our ceiling fans? We have a couple of air conditioners too (bedroom size.) Let's talk.

  3. God has really blessed you and your family with many friends, sisters and brothers. I pray your spiritual family will continue to grow.
